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We are different, you and I.

Despite all the grand proclamations of brotherhood and equality, the praises and chants for One-World-Harmony, and every lofty quote ever uttered by any of history’s exalted luminaries; our minds will always follow differing paths. Though our bodies consist of identical components and are subject to the same pleasures and pains that compose the physical realities of all men, our respective cultures will always prevent a perfect understanding between the two of us.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

We must not fool ourselves into thinking that we can overcome this divide, since doing so would inevitably pit us against our most cherished personal beliefs and force us to question our darkest, unfettered impulses. The struggle would be a lonely one. When you declare war on your roots, you can expect little support from your brethren. The further a man pushes into such a journey, the more of himself he ultimately loses. We will always stand apart.

I can understand you, but I can’t feel you.

And so I can never trust you. In lieu of cosmic harmony we substitute Respect. Trust is nothing but a vaunted sentiment, but Respect is the universal currency. Without Respect, our countless humanitarian projects and lofty rhetoric are nothing but smoke: they hang in the air long enough to give a warm buzz and cloud the senses, then dissipate softly into the ether. So we agree to a separate peace, independent of the whims of dreamers, and continue our work.

I only hope the extremes of life never make us hungry, to the point we are forced to weigh bravado against blood.

Hunger scares me. It comes in many forms, but it still does its damage in the same slow, insidious way. Hunger is a cancer that destroys its victims physically, mentally, and spiritually… just the same as hate. It erodes self-worth and cripples confidence. Since you cannot respect someone who does not respect himself, I figure Hunger is the great arch-nemesis of everything that keeps us working together. Do we respect each other enough to stand against Hunger?

They say “No god can stop a hungry man.”

Respectfully, I hope I never have to try.

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